I had a very hard time narrowing down what I wanted to do for this final project. We have studied some very interesting ideas, and read some very interesting articles. My main focus for this semester has been technology and metacognition. I love the idea of flipping a classroom, but don't know how to implement that in a low level Foundations course. Working on that.
So I needed a way to use technology and incorporate my ideas on metacognition. I believe I have found a tool that will help on both fronts. Socrative.
If you aren't familiar with this, you should be. Above all, it is very easy and user friendly. There are just a couple of negatives. The first is that you must set up an instructor account. This allows you to make quizzes, grade them, etc. The second is that you (as the instructor) must "open" the quiz to allow the students to take the quiz on their 'smart' device. Most teachers forget to open the quiz and students get a bit frustrated while they are waiting for the teacher to open it. There is an ipad app for both the student and the teacher. I don't want to give too much away, so please know that most questions will be answered during the quiz. I have already made a quiz based on my studies from semester two. Please feel free to take the Quiz. You will need to enter room 95041. It is very self explanatory. If you aren't able to access the quiz, please feel free to email me directly to 'open' it. I look forward to your comments. Thanks.